

Title: Sneek, Baptist Church
Caption: Sneek [prov.of Friesland] Doopsgezinde Kerk (=Baptist Church) in the town of Sneek. This front dates from 1842. Before that one couldn't identify this as a 'church'. Church-services weren't legal: Calvinism ruled. Services had to be consumed 'clandestine' and the places of gathering mostly were houses. Baptism wasn't a tolerated branch of the Protetantism just up to 1796 when the Government equated Baptism with all other religions. There have always been quite a number of Baptists in Sneek; one could say in Friesland in general. Probably due to the fact that Menno Simonsz -who gave his name to the Mennonites- was born in this province. Photo by Sijbren Sijtsma, summer 2005. Praktica MTL 5 B with Praktica zoom 28-80 mm [1/250 - f 5.6]
Copyright: Sijbren Sijtsma


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